olivier godechot

Godechot, Olivier, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, István Boza, Lasse Henriksen, Are Skeie Hermansen, Feng Hou, Jiwook Jung, Naomi Kodama, Alena Křížková, Zoltán Lippényi, Silvia Maja Melzer, Eunmi Mun, Halil Sabanci, Max Thaning et al., 2024, « The Great Separation: Top Earner Segregation at Work in Advanced Capitalist Economies », American Journal of Sociology, vol. 130, n°2, p. 439-495.

    Earnings segregation at work is an understudied topic in social science, despite the workplace being an everyday nexus for social mixing, cohesion, contact, claims-making, and resource exchange. It is all the more urgent to study as workplaces, in the last decades, have undergone profound reorganizations that could impact its magnitude and its evolution. Analyzing linked employer-employee panel administrative databases, we study the evolving isolation of higher earners from other employees in twelve countries: Canada, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, South Korea, and Sweden. We find in almost all countries a growing workplace isolation of top earners and dramatically declining exposure of top earners to bottom earners. We do a first exploration of the main factors accounting for this trend: deindustrialization, workplace downsizing restructuring (including layoffs, outsourcing, offshoring, and subcontracting) and digitalization contribute substantially to the increase in top earner segregation. These findings open up a future research agenda on the causes and consequences of top earner segregation.

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[Introduction to sociology] Syllabus and compulsory readings Syllabus et lectures obligatoires   Olivier Godechot 2024-2025 In addition to the readings that you will study ...: plus ici|more here

[Sociology of Inequalities] Master of sociology, M1, Fall 2024   Fridays 8:00-10:00   Room 402 - 56 rue des Saints Pères     Olivier Godechot and Lidia Panico ...: plus ici|more here

[Causal methods in sociology] 10:15-12:15 on Tuesdays 18 hours from September 3rd to November 5th 2024 Room C.S21 - Campus Saint-Thomas  This course is a non-technical ...: plus ici|more here

[R] Some useful functions for R I build from time to time some small functions and make them available. ## Improved ...: plus ici|more here

[Introduction to sociology] 2023-2024: plus ici|more here

[Sociology of Inequalities] 2023-2024: plus ici|more here

[Causal methods in sociology] 2023-2024: plus ici|more here

[Enseignements] Statistiques: plus ici|more here

[Publications] Godechot, Olivier et Elif Bulut, Les fissures de la digue républicaine, La vie des idées: plus ici|more here

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