olivier godechot

Godechot Olivier, Salibekyan Zinaida, 2013, Should We Clash or Should I Go? The Impact of Low Wage and Bad Working Conditions on the Exit–Voice Trade-off, MaxPo Discussion Paper, n°13/3.

    Although Hirschman’s exit–voice theoretical model has been applied to labor markets, research up to now has not tested one of its most important features: the impact of job quality on exit–voice strategies. Hirschman’s model of consumer behavior explains that those individuals unsatisfied with a product’s quality are more likely to “voice,” whereas those more concerned with its price are more likely to “exit.” A rationale for this trade-off is based on information: first, information on the price of alternative options is much more accessible than information on quality; second, voice produces more information than exit and favors opportunities for specific improvements. We transpose Hirschman’s assumptions to labor markets and use the French SalSa survey and DADS, declaration by employers on social data, to examine the conditions under which French employees are more likely to exit, and the conditions under which they are more likely to voice. Our results support the Hirschmanian hypothesis. A deterioration by one unit in our working-conditions index increases the probability of participation in collective action by 5 percentage points. An increase in log hourly wage by one unit decreases the probability of quitting by 5 percentage points.
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[Sociology of Inequalities] Master of sociology, M1, Fall 2024   Fridays 8:00-10:00   Room 402 - 56 rue des Saints Pères     Olivier Godechot and Lidia Panico ...: plus ici|more here

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[Introduction to sociology] 2023-2024: plus ici|more here

[Sociology of Inequalities] 2023-2024: plus ici|more here

[Causal methods in sociology] 2023-2024: plus ici|more here

[Enseignements] Statistiques: plus ici|more here

[Publications] Godechot, Olivier et Elif Bulut, Les fissures de la digue républicaine, La vie des idées: plus ici|more here

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