olivier godechot


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OgO: plus ici|more here

[Introduction to sociology] Syllabus and compulsory readings Syllabus et lectures obligatoires   Olivier Godechot 2024-2025 In addition to the readings that you will study ...: plus ici|more here

[Sociology of Inequalities] Master of sociology, M1, Fall 2024   Fridays 8:00-10:00   Room 402 - 56 rue des Saints Pères     Olivier Godechot and Lidia Panico ...: plus ici|more here

[Introduction to sociology] 2023-2024: plus ici|more here

[Sociology of Inequalities] 2023-2024: plus ici|more here

[Publications] Godechot, Olivier, Blackstone vs BlackRock: Our lives in their portfolios. Why asset managers own the world. By Brett Christophers, London: plus ici|more here

Tweets (rarely/rarement): @OlivierGodechot


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