Introduction to sociologySyllabus and compulsory readingsSyllabus et lectures obligatoires
Olivier Godechot 2024-2025 In addition to the readings that you will study for the discussion sessions (conférences de méthodes), each lecture (cours magistral) comes with a compulsory weekly reading that the professor will discuss interactively with the students in class. In addition, one of the questions of the midterm and final exams will relate to one of these readings. 4 September 2024. Lecture 1. What’s sociology?No compulsory reading! 11 September 2024. Lecture 2. Integration and social regulation (1). The Durkheimian contributionLutter, Mark, Karlijn L.A. Roex, and Daria Tisch. 2020. “Anomie or imitation? The Werther effect of celebrity suicides on suicide rates in 34 OECD countries, 1960–2014.” Social science & medicine 246: 112755. 18 September 2024. Lecture 3. Integration and social regulation (2). From culture to interactionGoffman, Erving. 1968 [1961]. “The Inpatient Phase”, Asylum. p. 146-169. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company. Français : Goffman, Erving. 1968 [1961]. “La phase hospitalière”, Asiles, Paris : Minuitp. 201-226. 25 September 2024. Lecture 4. Social class and inequality (1): Classical approachesMarx, Karl and Friedrich Engels. 1888 [1847]. “Bourgeois and Proletarians”, Communist Manifesto, Marx/Engels Internet Archive (marxists.org). Français : Marx, Karl et Friedrich Engels. 1888 [1847]. “Bourgeois et prolétaires”, Manifeste du Parti Communiste, Marx/Engels Internet Archive (marxists.org). 2 October 2024. Lecture 5. Social class and inequality (2): Contemporary approachesAnnie. Ernaux,Annie. 1990 [1974] Cleaned out, Elmwood Park: Dalkey Archive Press, p. 60-77. Français : Ernaux,Annie. [1974]. Les Armoires Vides, Paris: Folio, p. 91-114. 9 October 2024. Lecture 6.Race and migrationDu Bois W. E. B. 2007 [1903]. “On the Dawn of Freedom”. The Souls of Black Folk, Oxford University Press, p. 15-32. 16 October 2024. Lecture 7.EducationBourdieu, Pierre and Michel Passeron. 1979 [1964]. “Selecting the Elect”, The Inheritors, The University of Chicago Press, p. 1-27. Français : Bourdieu, Pierre and Michel Passeron. 1964. “Le choix des élus”, Les héritiers. Les étudiants et la culture, Minuit, p. 10-44. 23 October 2024. Lecture 8. SpaceCousin, Bruno, and Sébastien Chauvin. 2013. “Islanders, immigrants and millionaires: The dynamics of upper-class segregation in St Barts, French West Indies.” in Ian Hay, 2013. Geographies of the super-rich, Edward Elgar Publishing, p. 186-200. Français : Cousin, Bruno, and Sébastien Chauvin. 2012. “L’entre-soi élitaire à Saint-Barthélemy.” Ethnologie française, 42, 335-345. https://doi.org/10.3917/ethn.122.0335 6 November 2024. Lecture 9. FamilyMoore, Mignon R. 2008. “Gendered Power Relations among Women: A Study of Household Decision Making in Black, Lesbian Step families”. American Sociological Review, 73(2), 335-356. https://doi.org/10.1177/000312240807300208 13 November 2024. Lecture 10. ReligionWeber, Max. 1965 [1922]. “The Prophet”, The Sociology of Religions.Methuen & Co Ltd, p. 46-60. Français : Weber, Max. 2006 [1922]. “Le Prophète”, Sociologie de la religion, Flammarion, p. 152-173. 20 November 2024. Lecture 11. CapitalismPistor, Katharina. 2019. “Empire of Law”, Codes of capital, Princeton University Press, p. 1-22. Français : Pistor, Katharina.2023 [2019]. “L’empire du droit”, Le Code du capital, Seuil, p. 11-38. 27 November 2024. Lecture 12. The StateElias, Norbert. 1983 [1969]. “On the sociogenesis of the French Revolution”. The Court Society, Pantheon books, p. 268-275. Français : Elias, Norbert. 2008 [1969]. “Conclusion. Aux origines de la Révolution”. La société de cour. Flammarion, Champs-Essais, p. 307-316.
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