olivier godechot

Syllabus and compulsory readings

Syllabus et lectures obligatoires


Olivier Godechot



For some exercises, students will be divided in four groups as follows.

Pour certains exercices, les étudiantes seront réparties de la façon suivante :

Group 11: born an uneven day and an uneven month [née un jour et un mois impairs]

Group 12: born an uneven day and an even month [née un jour impair et un mois pair].

Group 21: born an even day and an uneven month [née un jour pair et un mois impair].

Group 22: born an even day and an even month [née un jour et un mois pairs].

04/09/2023. Lecture 1. What’s sociology?

No compulsory reading!

06/09/2023. Lecture 2. Integration and social regulation (1). The Durkheimian contribution

Reading:Hoffman, Mark A., and Peter S. Bearman. 2015. “Bringing Anomie Back In: Exceptional Events and Excess Suicide.” Sociological Science 2: 186-210.

13/09/2023. Lecture 3. Integration and social regulation (2). From culture to interaction


English: Goffman, Erving. 1968 [1961]. “The inmate world”, Asylum. p. 12-35. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company.

Français: Goffman, Erving. 1968 [1961]. “L’univers des reclus”, Asiles, Paris : Minuitp. 55-78.

20/09/2023. Lecture 4Social class and inequality (2): Classical approaches

No compulsory readings!

27/09/2023. Lecture 5. Social class and inequality (2): Contemporary approaches


Français: Ernaux,Annie. [1974]. Les Armoires Vides, Paris: Folio, p. 91-114

English: Annie. Ernaux,Annie. 1990 [1974] Cleaned out, Elmwood Park: Dalkey Archive Press, p. 60-77.

04/10/2023. Lecture 6.Education


Bourdieu, Pierre [ed.]. 1999 [1993]. Entretiens extraits de La misère du monde, Paris: Seuil.

Bourdieu, Pierre [ed.]. 1999 [1993]. Various interviews from, The weight of the world, London: Polity Press.


Group 11: Christin, Rosine. “A double life”, first interview. « Une double vie », première entretien.

Group 12: Christin, Rosine. “A double life”, second interview. « Une double vie », deuxième entretien.

Group 21: Broccolichi, Sylvain. “The upper hand”. « Un rapport de forces »

Group 22: Soulié, Charles. “A compromising success”. « Un succès compromettant »

11/10/2023. Lecture 7. Space

Reading:Questionnaire et dictionnaire des variables de l’enquête Emploi 2019.


Exercise: Exploring spatial inequalities in France.

Group 11. Which geographical variables would you select to describe spatial inequality in France?

Group 12. Which outcome variables would you select to describe spatial inequality in France?

Group 21. Which variables would you select to describe the ethno-racial groups?

Group 12. Which variables would you select to describe class groups?

18/10/2023. Lecture 8Family

Reading:Pinçon, Michel et Monique Pinçon-Charlot. 1989. Les rallyes, ou la mise en ordre du hasard des rencontres amoureuses”. Dans les beaux quartiers. Paris: Seuil, p. 147-192.

25/10/2023. Lecture 9Religion

No compulsory readings!

08/11/2023. Lecture 10.Exchange – Economy



Français: Godechot, Olivier. 2006. “Hold-up en finance. Les conditions de possibilité des bonus élevés dans l'industrie financière”, Revue française de sociologie, 47(2): 341-371.


English: Godechot, Olivier. 2008. “‘Hold-up’ in finance: the conditions of possibility for high bonuses in the financial industry », Revue française de sociologie, 49, Supplement Annual English Edition, p. 95-123.

15/11/2023. Lecture 11.Capitalism

No compulsory readings!

22/11/2023. Lecture 12. The State

Reading:Polillo, Simone, and Mauro F. Guillén. 2005. “Globalization pressures and the state: The worldwide spread of central bank independence.” American journal of sociology 110(6): 1764-1802.

English | Français


OgO: plus ici|more here

[Publications] Godechot, Olivier, Blackstone vs BlackRock: Our lives in their portfolios. Why asset managers own the world. By Brett Christophers, London: plus ici|more here

Tweets (rarely/rarement): @OlivierGodechot


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